Wingdings 2 character set and equivalent Unicode characters
Wingdings 2 font should not be used in Web pages.
This page is not a demonstration of how to use Wingdings 2 font; it provides
a warning of the problems that it causes, and shows how to use Unicode
instead. Microsoft do not supply Wingdings 2 with Windows; it
has been included with versions of Office starting with Office 97 and with
some versions of Works. It was originally a TrueType font, but recent
versions are OpenType. For Windows, browsers such as Internet Explorer and
Netscape 4 that are not standards-compliant allow non-Unicode fonts such as
Wingdings 2 to be specified in HTML or CSS, to enable additional special
characters to be displayed. Specifying Wingdings 2 font is contrary to the
published specifications, has never been a documented feature of HTML, is not
reliable, and should not be done. Wingdings 2 is not available on all
computers, and so the intended characters may not appear on computers running
non-Microsoft operating systems such as Mac OS 9, Mac OS X 10 or Linux. The
intended characters are also unlikely to appear when using a
standards-compliant browser such as Firefox, Google Chrome, Netscape 6+,
Opera 6+, Safari 3+ or SeaMonkey (formerly Mozilla). The same problems are
found with the Webdings, Wingdings and
Wingdings 3 fonts – they should not be used in Web pages. This page lists (and attempts to display) all of the
216 characters in the Wingdings 2 font. It also lists (and attempts to
display) the equivalent Unicode characters, where these exist. Not all
Wingdings 2 characters have equivalent Unicode characters, and some of the
listed “equivalents” are not very good matches. The characters that appear in the Wingdings 2
Character column of the following table are generated by the non-standard
technique of specifying the Wingdings 2 font, using <font
face="Wingdings 2">. It is possible that your combination of
browser and operating system will show special characters, but browsers that
conform to the published standards will demonstrate why Wingdings 2 font
should not be used in Web pages. The characters that appear in the Unicode Character
column of the following table are generated from Unicode numeric character
references, and so they should appear correctly in any Web browser that
supports Unicode and
that has suitable fonts available, regardless of the operating system. |
Wingdings 2 |
Character |
Dec |
Hex |
PS Name |
! |
33 |
0x21 |
penballpoint |
" |
34 |
0x22 |
penfountain |
# |
35 |
0x23 |
brush |
$ |
36 |
0x24 |
crayon |
% |
37 |
0x25 |
scissorsoutline |
& |
38 |
0x26 |
scissorschilds |
' |
39 |
0x27 |
telephone |
( |
40 |
0x28 |
telhandset |
) |
41 |
0x29 |
file1 |
* |
42 |
0x2A |
file |
+ |
43 |
0x2B |
file3 |
, |
44 |
0x2C |
filetext1 |
- |
45 |
0x2D |
filetext |
. |
46 |
0x2E |
filetext3 |
/ |
47 |
0x2F |
filetall1 |
0 |
48 |
0x30 |
filetall |
1 |
49 |
0x31 |
filetall3 |
2 |
50 |
0x32 |
clipboard |
3 |
51 |
0x33 |
trashcan |
4 |
52 |
0x34 |
window |
5 |
53 |
0x35 |
monitor |
6 |
54 |
0x36 |
printer |
7 |
55 |
0x37 |
fax |
8 |
56 |
0x38 |
cd |
9 |
57 |
0x39 |
tapecartridge |
: |
58 |
0x3A |
mouse1button |
; |
59 |
0x3B |
mouse3button |
< |
60 |
0x3C |
thumbbackup |
= |
61 |
0x3D |
thumbbackdwn |
> |
62 |
0x3E |
handptlft1 |
? |
63 |
0x3F |
handptrt1 |
@ |
64 |
0x40 |
handptlftsld1 |
A |
65 |
0x41 |
handptrtsld1 |
B |
66 |
0x42 |
handbckptleft |
C |
67 |
0x43 |
handbckptright |
D |
68 |
0x44 |
handptlftsld |
E |
69 |
0x45 |
handptrtsld |
F |
70 |
0x46 |
handptup1 |
G |
71 |
0x47 |
handptdwn1 |
H |
72 |
0x48 |
handptupsld1 |
I |
73 |
0x49 |
handptdwnsld1 |
J |
74 |
0x4A |
handbckptup |
K |
75 |
0x4B |
handbckptdwn |
L |
76 |
0x4C |
handptupsld |
M |
77 |
0x4D |
handptdwnsld |
N |
78 |
0x4E |
handspreadback |
O |
79 |
0x4F |
xmark |
P |
80 |
0x50 |
check |
Q |
81 |
0x51 |
boxxmark |
R |
82 |
0x52 |
boxcheck |
S |
83 |
0x53 |
boxx |
T |
84 |
0x54 |
boxxbld |
U |
85 |
0x55 |
circlex |
V |
86 |
0x56 |
circlexbld |
W |
87 |
0x57 |
prohibit |
X |
88 |
0x58 |
prohibitbld |
Y |
89 |
0x59 |
ampersanditaldm |
Z |
90 |
0x5A |
ampersandbld |
[ |
91 |
0x5B |
ampersandsans |
\ |
92 |
0x5C |
ampersandsandm |
] |
93 |
0x5D |
interrobang |
^ |
94 |
0x5E |
interrobangdm |
_ |
95 |
0x5F |
interrobangsans |
` |
96 |
0x60 |
interrobngsandm |
a |
97 |
0x61 |
budleafboldne |
b |
98 |
0x62 |
budleafboldnw |
c |
99 |
0x63 |
budleafboldsw |
d |
100 |
0x64 |
budleafboldse |
e |
101 |
0x65 |
vineleafne |
f |
102 |
0x66 |
vineleafnw |
g |
103 |
0x67 |
vineleafsw |
h |
104 |
0x68 |
vineleafse |
i |
105 |
0x69 |
zero |
j |
106 |
0x6A |
one |
k |
107 |
0x6B |
two |
l |
108 |
0x6C |
three |
m |
109 |
0x6D |
four |
n |
110 |
0x6E |
five |
o |
111 |
0x6F |
six |
p |
112 |
0x70 |
seven |
q |
113 |
0x71 |
eight |
r |
114 |
0x72 |
nine |
s |
115 |
0x73 |
ten |
t |
116 |
0x74 |
zeroinv |
u |
117 |
0x75 |
oneinv |
v |
118 |
0x76 |
twoinv |
w |
119 |
0x77 |
threeinv |
x |
120 |
0x78 |
fourinv |
y |
121 |
0x79 |
fiveinv |
z |
122 |
0x7A |
sixinv |
{ |
123 |
0x7B |
seveninv |
| |
124 |
0x7C |
eightinv |
} |
125 |
0x7D |
nineinv |
~ |
126 |
0x7E |
teninv |
128 |
0x80 |
sun |
129 |
0x81 |
moonfull |
130 |
0x82 |
moonfirstqrtr |
131 |
0x83 |
moonlastqrtr |
132 |
0x84 |
capitulum |
133 |
0x85 |
cross |
134 |
0x86 |
crossbld |
135 |
0x87 |
onethirty |
136 |
0x88 |
twothirty |
137 |
0x89 |
threethirty |
138 |
0x8A |
fourthirty |
139 |
0x8B |
fivethirty |
140 |
0x8C |
sixthirty |
141 |
0x8D |
seventhirty |
142 |
0x8E |
eightthirty |
143 |
0x8F |
ninethirty |
144 |
0x90 |
tenthirty |
145 |
0x91 |
eleventhirty |
146 |
0x92 |
twelvethirty |
147 |
0x93 |
quiltsquare |
148 |
0x94 |
quiltsquareinv |
149 |
0x95 |
circle1 |
150 |
0x96 |
circle3 |
151 |
0x97 |
circle5 |
152 |
0x98 |
circle7 |
153 |
0x99 |
ring1 |
154 |
0x9A |
ring3 |
155 |
0x9B |
ring5 |
156 |
0x9C |
ring7 |
157 |
0x9D |
ringbutton1 |
158 |
0x9E |
ringbutton3 |
159 |
0x9F |
square1 |
160 |
0xA0 |
square3 |
¡ |
161 |
0xA1 |
square5 |
¢ |
162 |
0xA2 |
square7 |
£ |
163 |
0xA3 |
box1 |
¤ |
164 |
0xA4 |
box5 |
¥ |
165 |
0xA5 |
box6 |
¦ |
166 |
0xA6 |
box7 |
§ |
167 |
0xA7 |
boxbutton1 |
¨ |
168 |
0xA8 |
boxbutton2 |
© |
169 |
0xA9 |
boxbutton3 |
ª |
170 |
0xAA |
boxtarget |
« |
171 |
0xAB |
rhombus1 |
¬ |
172 |
0xAC |
rhombus2 |
173 |
0xAD |
rhombus3 |
® |
174 |
0xAE |
rhombus5 |
¯ |
175 |
0xAF |
rhombopen |
° |
176 |
0xB0 |
rhombbutton1 |
± |
177 |
0xB1 |
rhombbutton2 |
² |
178 |
0xB2 |
rhombbutton3 |
³ |
179 |
0xB3 |
rhombtarget |
´ |
180 |
0xB4 |
lozenge1 |
µ |
181 |
0xB5 |
lozenge2 |
¶ |
182 |
0xB6 |
lozenge3 |
· |
183 |
0xB7 |
lozenge5 |
¸ |
184 |
0xB8 |
lozengeopen |
¹ |
185 |
0xB9 |
lozengebutton |
º |
186 |
0xBA |
semicircleleft |
» |
187 |
0xBB |
semicirclert |
¼ |
188 |
0xBC |
semicircleup |
½ |
189 |
0xBD |
semicircledwn |
¾ |
190 |
0xBE |
squarecent |
¿ |
191 |
0xBF |
rhombuscent |
À |
192 |
0xC0 |
pentagon1cent |
Á |
193 |
0xC1 |
pentagon2cent |
194 |
0xC2 |
hexagon1cent |
à |
195 |
0xC3 |
hexagon2cent |
Ä |
196 |
0xC4 |
octagon1 |
Å |
197 |
0xC5 |
octagon2 |
Æ |
198 |
0xC6 |
cross1 |
Ç |
199 |
0xC7 |
cross2 |
È |
200 |
0xC8 |
cross3 |
É |
201 |
0xC9 |
cross4 |
Ê |
202 |
0xCA |
cross5 |
Ë |
203 |
0xCB |
cross6 |
Ì |
204 |
0xCC |
cross7 |
Í |
205 |
0xCD |
x1 |
Î |
206 |
0xCE |
x2 |
Ï |
207 |
0xCF |
x3 |
Ð |
208 |
0xD0 |
x4 |
Ñ |
209 |
0xD1 |
x5 |
Ò |
210 |
0xD2 |
x6 |
Ó |
211 |
0xD3 |
x7 |
Ô |
212 |
0xD4 |
pentasterisk1 |
Õ |
213 |
0xD5 |
pentasterisk2 |
Ö |
214 |
0xD6 |
pentasterisk3 |
× |
215 |
0xD7 |
pentasterisk4 |
Ø |
216 |
0xD8 |
pentasterisk5 |
Ù |
217 |
0xD9 |
pentasterisk6 |
Ú |
218 |
0xDA |
hexasterisk1 |
Û |
219 |
0xDB |
hexasterisk2 |
Ü |
220 |
0xDC |
hexasterisk3 |
Ý |
221 |
0xDD |
hexasterisk4 |
Þ |
222 |
0xDE |
hexasterisk5 |
ß |
223 |
0xDF |
hexasterisk6 |
à |
224 |
0xE0 |
octasterisk1 |
á |
225 |
0xE1 |
octasterisk2 |
â |
226 |
0xE2 |
octasterisk3 |
ã |
227 |
0xE3 |
octasterisk4 |
ä |
228 |
0xE4 |
octasterisk5 |
å |
229 |
0xE5 |
tristar1 |
æ |
230 |
0xE6 |
tristar3 |
ç |
231 |
0xE7 |
crosstar1 |
è |
232 |
0xE8 |
crosstar3 |
é |
233 |
0xE9 |
pentastar1 |
ê |
234 |
0xEA |
pentastar3 |
ë |
235 |
0xEB |
hexstar1 |
ì |
236 |
0xEC |
hexstar3 |
í |
237 |
0xED |
octastar1 |
î |
238 |
0xEE |
octastar3 |
ï |
239 |
0xEF |
dodecastar1 |
ð |
240 |
0xF0 |
dodecastar2 |
ñ |
241 |
0xF1 |
tristar4 |
ò |
242 |
0xF2 |
crosstar4 |
ó |
243 |
0xF3 |
pentastar4 |
ô |
244 |
0xF4 |
hexstar4 |
õ |
245 |
0xF5 |
dodecastar4 |
ö |
246 |
0xF6 |
cusp |
÷ |
247 |
0xF7 |
cusp1 |
ø |
248 |
0xF8 |
xdot |
ù |
249 |
0xF9 |
trihexasterisk |
Copyright © 2009–2010 Alan Wood
Created 11th June 2009 Last modified 14th January 2010
Send comments or questions to Alan Wood